Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Friends and Visitors

Over the past few months, we've had friends over and gone out to see friends. Here are some older and some recent pics of Natalie with visitors and friends.

Natalie I with Maggie Yee-yee and her new baby Charlotte. Charlotte is soooo tiny compared to Natalie; it's hard to believe Nat was ever that small!

Natalie with Annie Por-por at City Garden Hotel. Natalie is beginning to "get" that EVERYONE has a mom and I think she got that Annie Por-por is Uncle Gerald's mom.

Natalie at dim sum with her friend Kaitlyn who is close to her age. Kaitlyn is so cute... what a great smile!

The girls share a big hug! So cute!

Natalie with the Wee family (Uncle Derrick, Auntie Kelly and little Kaitlyn).

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