Saturday, December 12, 2009


This blog has been very quiet for the past couple weeks because Natalie was sick. From last week Tuesday, Natalie started to to burn a fever (she hit a high of 41.4 oC!) and the right side of her cheek swelled up and became red and very firm. After almost 5 days in the hospital (Monday to Friday), we are super happy to have her back home, happy and healthy. Here are a few pics of her stay at Queen Mary Hospital:

This is the first night we checked in. You can (kinda) see how red and swollen her right cheek is.

Here we are the next morning. Natalie was tired and slept a lot.

A better look at her cheek. We could feel two lumps beneath the skin next to her mouth and a little lower (and she told us they hurt). We think her lymph-nodes became infected and swelled, but the doctors weren't sure what was wrong. Good thing anti-biotics helped alot!

Her pacifier was over-used and we had to buy new ones (the rubber changed color and became almost white from over-use since Natalie refused to part with it).

Our little corner of the ward.

Natalie's IV. She liked to call it her "robot arm" and give "robot fives" (up high, down low, on the side).

Clark brings Yehyeh's netbook and mobile internet to entertain Natalie. She loves watching "Wheels on the Bus" youtube video.

On day 4, Natalie is more alert and looking much better.

There's the little smile we miss! She spent the day playing in the crib, drawing, reading, and sticking stickers everywhere.

Natalie's appetite came back and she was allowed one night "home leave" before being formally discharged from the hospital the next morning. It's great to have her home!


Helen K said...

Glad that Natalie is home and feeling better. Poor baby! Love her robot arm...

lily said...

poor little darling. so glad she is all better now.

SuperDeb said...

Poor Natalie...I'm so glad she's better. What an ordeal it must have been.