Friday, September 3, 2010

Play date at Clara's

On Wednesday, Natalie and I went to a play date and had a chance to catch up with old friends at Susannie Yee-yee and Clara's clubhouse playroom. It was super nice to catch up with my mommy friends (rare day off work) and watch how the "babies" now really interact with each other and play together :)

Us mommies sit together and relax and chat while the kiddies run around in the playroom.

There was a lot to play with!

Natalie always loves to play inside "houses".

There was also this "fun wall" with activities for them to explore.

Later, we went outside to play on the podium. What a great view!

And what a great playground!

It was a little hot (for me) but the kiddies didn't seem to mind. They were running and climbing and playing.

Later, we asked them to stand together and pose for a photo. Here is Natalie with her little friends. So cute!

They interact really well together now and were singing songs together while we tried to take photos.

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