Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas at TBLS

On Christmas Day, we celebrated with our closest friends at chef Que Vinh Dang's new restaurant TBLS in Central. See photos below:

Christmas Day dinner was delicious beer clams, curried chicken, mashed potates and home-made yakult-banana ice cream... deeeelicious! Natalie sat at the head of the table and smiled for the camera.

Natalie playing with Vivo yee-yee and her Elmo-Cinderella story book.

Natalie says, "Do you like see-food?"

She was in a really great mood. She ate almost a WHOLE potato by herself!

Earlier in the day, we had lunch with Auntie-V and baby Toby. Natalie loves little babies and likes to look at them and kiss them.

Here she is showing one of the felt characters from her Elmo-Cinderella book. She can play with this book for a long time.

Natalie says goodnight to the camera before her nap. She wore a little red Santa dress and even her Elmo had a Santa dress, too!


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Carol said...

Wow, congrats to Vanessa and her new baby! Natalie, of course, is cute as ever! :D