Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter weekend

This past Easter weekend, we had family over for an all-day play date followed by dinner including friends. Natalie had a great time hanging with her favourite cousins. See photos (courtesy of Lisa) below.

Natalie looking sincerely between bars at the park.

Natalie with Vanessa climbing up the stairs. Vanessa loves collecting leaves.

Little Victoria got in on the fun, too. Here is she climbing on the equipment.
Later, indoors, the babies play with some toys together. Natalie really loves to play with her cousins and can call them each by name.

Then Vanessa joins in the picture. It's a miracle, but somehow, we got all babies looking in the camera's general direction and 3 are smiling!

Vanessa loved to make fake "glasses" for herself.

Here is Natalie copying Vanessa but she doesn't get it quite right.

Later, Clark turns into a horse and gives rides to Natalie and Vanessa. They loved it.

After naps, Victoria, Vanessa and Natalie all took a bath together. They LOVED it and all had a blast. By the time we took them out, all their fingers, toes, and even the bottom of their feet were wrinkled.

All in all, a great day!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

great photos!! :) i think it's nice and cool that they can hang out - we should do it again! coming may 1 holiday?!?!?!