Thursday, May 10, 2007

Update at 35.5 weeks preggers

Here is another 3D/4D photo of baby taken at 32 weeks on April 21, 2007. I think we can definitely see some resemblance to Clark now, especially the nose! Such a cutie... can't wait to meet her.

As for her mom and dad (that's us!) we're so far so good. We're at 35.5 weeks pregnant (just 1.5 weeks from being "full term") and Natalie continues to kick and wriggle around all the time. It's a bit uncomfortable, but good that she is getting a good work-out and building her little muscles for life "outside the womb".

And we feel ready (well, as ready as we'll ever be!) to meet her. We bought a cute little moses basket for her bed, have about 30+ one-sies for her wardrobe, and have almost completed packing of the "birth bag" (for the hospital). Only thing left to do is wait for her arrival. We can't wait, we're so excited!

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