Look at Natalie's BIG belly after breakfast, milk, and a bath. We've also started brushing her teeth (tooth, actually, since it's just one so far) and she loves the rubber tipped baby toothbrush. It makes little squeaking noises when she chews on it and she cries when it is taken away.
Also, here is Video 82 of Natalie using her new portable high chair and eating apples with her baby safe feeder.
On Sunday, we went to Park n' Shop international and picked up a bunch of organic fresh vegetables to make our own baby food (yay, finally! We've been relying on baby jars until now). This is great because now Natalie will be able to try veggies not typically found in baby jars including: choy sum, bok choy, asparagus, green beans, wah-wah choy, and zucchinis. We also picked up organic kiwi and apples. Who knew making baby food could be so much fun?
Step one: Wash and boil all veggies
Step two: Puree all veggies. Spoon veggies into trays for the freezer.
Do one veggie at a time (don't mix! because Natalie hasn't tried some of these veggies before and need to check for allergies). Cover and freeze all veggies.
Once frozen, dump frozen veggie cubes into freezer bag. Label the bag. Let Natalie play with it for a short time. Put it back in the freezer.
Step five: Thaw and let Natalie enjoy! (Photo to come later.)
Last night, Clark's aunt and cousins Andrew and Alvin came over for a visit and to play with Natalie. Alvin brought a toy gun with a red laser. Watch Video 80 of Natalie scooting and moving around on her tummy trying to catch the red light.
Natalie has been trying to pull herself up into the standing position lately. With a little help to get up, she can stand by herself for a long time holding onto the side of the sofa, especially if there's something interesting to play with!
Watch Video 79 of Natalie playing with her cousin Vanessa. Vanessa is starting to try and interact with Natalie more now (pushing and hugging her) and Natalie doesn't know what to do. She likes to look out the window, likes watching her cousin Vanessa, and at the same time, is trying to pull herself up into a standing position. We're going to have to lower the base of her crib soon!
Watch Natalie starting to learn about mirrors in Video 78. She's so cute. She is a little puzzled about how her mommy Tracy and auntie Carol can be in two places at the same time.
After her mommy started making animals noises when reading an animal book, Natalie has started growling! She's really good at it! A cutie patootie should not be able to make such scary noises. Listen to Natalie growling Video 77.
On Friday, Natalie went to visit her good friend Olivia. Ethan and Summer were there, too. Watch Video 75 of Natalie playing with her friends. (The battery died before Summer came, but we'll get her next time).
Natalie has cut her first tooth on her bottom gum. It's a very cute (and very sharp) little tooth, and it has a friend coming up beside it, too. We're so proud! (Click on the photo to see it up close.)
Look what we bought today. It's a new backpack! It came with a special package inside...
It's Natalie! Now that she's getting bigger, she is almost out-growing her Baby Bjorn sling (and she hurts the back at almost 19 pounds!). With the chest and waist straps, this backpack is way more comfy for us to lug the growing beast around town.
Watch Natalie reading with her big cousin Vanessa. Vanessa is so smart and can read along. Natalie is too young and just enjoys looking at the pictures. Sometimes, Natalie looks more interested in her cousin than in the book. Listen to cousin Vanessa said "Uh oh...oh boy!" and run away from Natalie's drool. Video 73.
Also, watch Natalie laugh and giggle to Lisa's funny sounds and faces in Video 72.
On Jan 6, Serena, Vivian, Clark, and Tracy did a 10km hike with Natalie for the "Walk for Millions" charity campaign.It took 3.5 hours (all uphill and then downhill) and Natalie was super excited to be out and about. Whew, it's tough hiking with a baby...Ok, she was in a stroller but still!
B-girl Serena with her homegirl Natalie. (She still doesn't like hats. And look at those droopy cheeks!) Our hiking group (Natalie's in the stroller and protected against the wind). Later, it warms up and Natalie prefers being out in the open air.
Natalie has found a new way to use her voice. Listen to her chattering in Video 70. She is almost saying the "D" consonant!
Also, Natalie has been very frustrated lately whenever a treat is put in front of her. Her little fingers aren't very coordinated and the treat always ends up in her palm instead of on the end of her fingers so she can't put it in her mouth. And if she does manage to grab it with her fingers and put it in her mouth, her fingers don't know how to let go so she can't eat it! That is, until now... Natalie does it for the FIRST time and we caught it on video! See her smart little fingers in Video 71.
Natalie has begun forming her own opinions and making decisions. Her favourite food right now is brown rice mixed with chicken. She opens her mouth really wide for it, but keeps her lips closed for green beans.
And she can tell us what she likes and what she doesn't like. She loves to be held (all smiles), but doesn't like wearing her hat (which her mom tries to make her wear since it's c-c-cold now and we have no central heating). Watch her with her hat in Video 67.
Also, watch Natalie uncover herself when we cover her with a cloth in Video 68. She likes peekaboo now!
Emily is 9
Emily is turning 9 and invites her cousins over for a pool party.
Olivia makes a beautiful marble cake since Emily has been obsessed with
planets lately.
End of school 2019
Last day of Year 4 and Year 6! Just like that Bean has finished her Primary
school years.
Last day with uniform together in the same school, until 2 years...
Thursday, February 14, 2018
Dear parents,
Happy Valentine's Day!
Homework for tonight:
þ 2. Study weekly quiz/test:
Students need to study: week 1 VW#1-24, ea...
Zai Jien - For Good This Time, 5/2/09
Waiting for the Airport Express train.
I love this photo. This is in the Cathay Pacific business class lounge. I
like to think that Dan is telling her we'...
6. Juni 2008 Jamila läuft
Sie läuft... das ist ja so süss!! Endlich läuft die Maus aber zum Stoppen
fällt sie noch manchmal auf die Knie! Sie braucht keinen Tisch, keine
Couch, kein...